Adding Report-Level Display Rules

To add a report-level display rule:
  1. Without any report objects or the section selected in the canvas, click the Display Rules tab in the right pane. Click New. The Add New Display Rule window is displayed.
  2. Enter a value for the display rule in the field.
  3. Select a color for the display rule.
  4. (Optional) Repeat the steps for entering a value and selecting a color.
  5. (Optional) Select the Other check box. Then, select a color so that any of the other categories that do not have a color will have the one that you just selected.
    In the following example, values and colors have been specified for each region in a list table. And a color has been selected for the Other check box.
    Add New Display Rule Window with Values and Colors Specified
  6. Click OK. The report objects in the report update with the new display rule. And, the display rule appears on the Display Rules tab in the right pane.
The following table illustrates the report-level display rules that were defined in the Add New Display Rule window above.
A List Table and a Bar Chart with Report-Level Display Rules Applied