Ranking Data

Overview of Ranking

You can use the Ranks tab to create ranks to subset the data in your visualizations. A rank selects either the top (greatest) or the bottom (least) aggregated value for a category.
A rank selects values for a category based on either the frequency of the category values or the aggregated value of a measure.
For example, you might create a rank of the top 10 countries by frequency to select the 10 countries that are most represented in your data source. As another example, you might create a rank of the top 10 countries by population to select the 10 countries with the greatest population.
Note: If the category for the rank is part of a hierarchy that is used in the current visualization, then the rank is applied only when the hierarchy is drilled to the level of the rank category.

Create a New Rank

To create a rank:
  1. From the Data pane, select the data item that you want to use as the base of the rank. You can select any category or geography data item, regardless of whether it is assigned to the current visualization.
  2. Either right-click on the data item, and select Add Rank on [data-item], or drag and drop the data item onto the Ranks tab.
  3. Set the parameters for the rank:
    1. Select the type of rank from the drop-down list. Top specifies that the rank selects the greatest value. Bottom specifies that the rank selects the least value.
    2. Specify the number of values for the rank. For example, if you specify 5, and you select Top as the rank type, then the rank selects the five greatest values.
    3. From the By drop-down list, select the measure that is used to create the rank. You can either select any measure, or select Frequency to use the frequency of the rank category.
      Note: If you select a measure that is used in the current visualization, then the rank uses the same aggregation for the measure that is used by the current visualization.
    4. (Optional) Select Ties to include ties in the rank.
      If you select Ties, then the rank selects as many values as necessary to include all of the ties. If you do not select Ties, then the rank selects only the number of values that are specified by the rank parameters.
      For example, if your rank selects the top three values, but there are five values tied for the greatest value, then the number of values that are selected by the rank depends on the Ties option. If you select Ties, then the rank includes all five of the tied values. If you do not select Ties, then the rank includes only three of the tied values.
      Note: If the ranking does not select all of the tied values, or if the number of tied values exceeds the maximum that is set by your administrator, then a message appears.
    Note: By default, your rank changes are applied automatically to the current visualization. To apply multiple changes together, deselect Auto, and then click Apply when you are ready to apply your rank changes.

Delete a Rank

To delete a rank, click the Delete Rank button on the rank on the Ranks tab.