About This Book


This book helps you provide data for reports and explorations. It is for an on-premises deployment of SAS Visual Analytics 7.3 on Windows, with a non-distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server. Differences in feature support in the 7.1 and 7.2 releases of SAS Visual Analytics are noted.
This book provides prescriptive guidance and omits advanced features and special cases. The instructions use general-purpose SAS resources. For example, data is loaded to the general-purpose LASR library, Visual Analytics Public LASR, which is preconfigured for maximum availability and ease of use.
You can use this book as a complement to SAS Visual Analytics: Getting Started with Exploration and Reporting or as a supplement to SAS Visual Analytics: User's Guide. See the SAS Visual Analytics documentation page at support.sas.com.

Key Terms

This book makes specialized use of the following terms:
delimited file
a text file that contains data that is separated by commas, tabs, or custom delimiters. Autoload support for custom-delimited files and tab-delimited files begins in the 7.2 release.
the SAS in-memory analytic and data functionality that SAS Visual Analytics uses. LASR is an adjective. LASR is not an acronym.
SAS data set
a table that is in the SAS7BDAT file format.
a non-distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server. The term refers to a software process, not a machine or other computer hardware.
Microsoft Excel Workbook (XLSX, XLSM, and XLSB) files and Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook (XLS) files. Autoload support for XLSB and XLSM files begins in the 7.2 release.