Debugging in the SAS Stored Process Web Application

Testing the SAS Stored Process Web Application

After the SAS Stored Process Web Application has been installed, it can be tested by invoking it directly from a Web browser. To execute the SAS Stored Process Web Application, enter the Web application URL in the Web browser. Either the default Welcome page or static version data is returned.
For example, if you enter the following SAS Stored Process Web Application URL:
then you either get the data from the Welcome.jsp page if it has been installed, or a display similar to the following display:
 Stored Process Web Application

 Version 9.3 (Build 473)
If an error is returned, then the installation was not completed successfully or the URL that was entered is incorrect.
The reserved macro variable _DEBUG provides you with several diagnostic options. Using this variable is a convenient way to debug a problem, because you can supply the debug values by using the Web browser to modify your HTML or by editing the URL in your Web browser's location field. For example, to see the installed environment for the SAS Stored Process Web Application, the URL can be entered with _DEBUG=ENV appended. A table is returned, which contains the system values for the SAS Stored Process Web Application environment.

List of Valid Debugging Keywords

You can activate the various debugging options by passing the _DEBUG variable to the SAS Stored Process Web Application. Keywords are used to set the debugging options. Multiple keywords can be specified, separated by commas or spaces. Here is an example:
Some debugging flags might be locked out at your site for security reasons. Verify with your administrator which flags are locked out at your site. The following chart is a list of valid debugging keywords:
Debugging Keywords
Displays the stored process input parameters.
Returns the processing time for the stored process.
Displays output in hexadecimal format.
Returns the SAS log file. This log is useful for diagnosing problems in the SAS code.
Traces execution of the stored process. This option is helpful for diagnosing the SAS Stored Process Web Application communication process. You can also use this option to see the HTTP headers that the server returns.
Lists known stored processes.
Displays the SAS Stored Process Web Application environment parameters.

Setting the Default Value of _DEBUG

Web application initialization parameters can be used to set default values for the _DEBUG parameter or to limit the allowable values. Any of the valid keywords that are listed in the preceding table can be specified as a comma-separated list for the Debug initialization parameter. These values become the default debugging values for each request. The initialization parameter DebugMask can be used to specify a list of _DEBUG values that are valid. For more information about initialization parameters, see Configuring the SAS Stored Process Web Application .