The following statements are available in the KRIGE2D procedure:
PROC KRIGE2D options;
BY variables;
COORDINATES | COORD coordinate-variables;
GRID grid-options;
ID variable;
PREDICT | PRED | P predict-options;
MODEL model-options;
RESTORE restore-options;
The PREDICT and MODEL statements are hierarchical; the PREDICT statement is followed by a MODEL statement. If more than one MODEL statement is given, only the last one is used for the analysis. The MODEL statement following a PREDICT statement uses the variable and neighborhood specifications in that PREDICT statement.
You must specify at least one PREDICT statement and one MODEL statement. You must supply a single COORDINATES statement to identify the x and y coordinate variables in the input data set. You must also specify a single GRID statement to include the grid information.
Table 67.1 outlines the options available in PROC KRIGE2D classified by function.
Table 67.1: Options Available in the KRIGE2D Procedure
Task |
Statement |
Option |
Data Set Options |
Specifies input data set |
Specifies grid data set |
Specifies labels for individual grid points or in 1-D |
Specifies model data set |
Writes kriging predictions and standard errors |
Writes neighborhood information for each grid point |
Specifies plot display and options |
Declaring the Role of Variables |
Specifies variables to define analysis subgroups |
Specifies variable with observation labels |
Specifies the variables to be predicted (kriged) |
Specifies the x and y coordinate variables in the DATA= data set |
Specifies the x and y coordinate variables in the GDATA= data set |
Controlling the Prediction |
Specifies the number of grid points in one-dimensional cases |
Controlling Kriging Neighborhoods |
Specifies the radius of a neighborhood for all grid points |
Specifies the number of neighbors for all grid points |
Specifies the maximum of neighbors for all grid points |
Specifies the minimum of neighbors for all grid points |
Specifies the action when maximum not met |
Specifies the action when minimum not met |
Controlling the Semivariogram Model |
Specifies an angle for an anisotropic model |
Specifies a type with a functional form |
Specifies an item store with correlation information |
Specifies a nugget effect |
Allows power exponent values outside [0,2) |
Specifies a range parameter |
Specifies a minor-major axis ratio for an anisotropic model |
Specifies a scale parameter |
Specifies model and parameters from an item store |