Shared Concepts and Topics

STORE Statement

This statement applies to the following SAS/STAT procedures:GENMOD, GLIMMIX, GLM, GLMSELECT, LIFEREG, LOGISTIC, MIXED, ORTHOREG, PHREG, PROBIT, SURVEYLOGISTIC, SURVEYPHREG, and SURVEYREG. It also applies to the RELIABILITY procedure in SAS/QC software.

The STORE statement requests that the procedure save the context and results of the statistical analysis into an item store. An item store is a binary file format that cannot be modified by the user. The contents of the item store can be processed with the PLM procedure. One example of item store technology is to perform a time-consuming analysis and to store its results by using the STORE statement. At a later time you can then perform specific statistical analysis tasks based on the saved results of the previous analysis, without having to fit the model again. The following statements show an example in which a mixed model is fit with the MIXED procedure and the postprocessing analysis is performed with the PLM procedure:

proc mixed data=MyBigDataSet;
   class Env A B sub;
   model y = A B x / ddfm=KenwardRoger;
   random int A*B / sub=Env;
   repeated / subject=Env*A*B type=AR(1);
   store sasuser.mixed;

proc plm restore=sasuser.mixed;
   show cov Parms;
   lsmeans A B / diff;
   score data=NewData out=ScoreResults;

The STORE statement in the PROC MIXED step requests that the MIXED procedure save those results that are needed to perform statistical tasks with the PLM procedure. For example, the MIXED procedure saves the necessary pieces of information that relate to the Kenward-Roger degree-of-freedom method. The results from the LSMEANS statement in the PROC PLM step thus apply this technique for calculating denominator degrees of freedom. The SHOW statement in the PLM procedure reveals the contents of the item store in terms of ODS tables, and the SCORE statement computes predicted values in a new data set. For more information about postprocessing tasks based on item stores, see the documentation for the PLM procedure.