The SURVEYREG Procedure

Fay’s BRR Method

Fay’s method is a modification of the BRR method, and it requires a stratified sample design with two primary sampling units (PSUs) per stratum. The total number of replicates R is the smallest multiple of 4 that is greater than the total number of strata H. However, if you prefer a larger number of replicates, you can specify the REPS= method-option.

For each replicate, Fay’s method uses a Fay coefficient $0\le \epsilon <1$ to impose a perturbation of the original weights in the full sample that is gentler than using only half-samples, as in the traditional BRR method. The Fay coefficient $0\le \epsilon <1$ can be set by specifying the FAY = $\epsilon $ method-option. By default, $\epsilon =0.5$ if the FAY method-option is specified without providing a value for $\epsilon $ (Judkins, 1990; Rao and Shao, 1999). When $\epsilon =0$, Fay’s method becomes the traditional BRR method. For more details, see Dippo, Fay, and Morganstein (1984); Fay (1984, 1989); Judkins (1990).

Let H be the number of strata. Replicates are constructed by using the first H columns of the $R\times R$ Hadamard matrix, where R is the number of replicates, $R>H$. The rth ($r=1, 2, ..., R$) replicate is created from the full sample according to the rth row of the Hadamard matrix as follows:

  • If the $(r,h)$ element of the Hadamard matrix is 1, then the full sample weight of the first PSU in stratum h is multiplied by $\epsilon $ and the full sample weight of the second PSU is multiplied by $2-\epsilon $ to obtain the rth replicate weights.

  • If the $(r,h)$ element of the Hadamard matrix is –1, then the full sample weight of the first PSU in stratum h is multiplied by $2-\epsilon $ and the full sample weight of the second PSU is multiplied by $\epsilon $ to obtain the rth replicate weights.

You can use the VARMETHOD=BRR(OUTWEIGHTS=) method-option to save the replicate weights into a SAS data set.

By default, an appropriate Hadamard matrix is generated automatically to create the replicates. You can request that the Hadamard matrix be displayed by specifying the VARMETHOD=BRR(PRINTH) method-option. If you provide a Hadamard matrix by specifying the VARMETHOD=BRR(HADAMARD=) method-option, then the replicates are generated according to the provided Hadamard matrix.

Let $\hat{\bbeta }$ be the estimated regression coefficients from the full sample for $\bbeta $. Let ${\hat{\bbeta }_ r}$ be the estimated regression coefficient obtained from the rth replicate by using replicate weights. PROC SURVEYREG estimates the covariance matrix of $\hat{\bbeta }$ by

\[  \widehat{\mb {V}}(\hat{\bbeta }) = \frac{1}{R(1-{\epsilon })^2} \sum _{r=1}^ R \left( {\hat{\bbeta }_ r} - \hat{\bbeta } \right) \left( {\hat{\bbeta }_ r} - \hat{\bbeta } \right)’  \]

with H degrees of freedom, where H is the number of strata.