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The RSREG Procedure

Output Data Sets


An output data set containing statistics requested with options in the MODEL statement for each observation in the input data set is created whenever the OUT= option is specified in the PROC RSREG statement. The data set contains the following variables:

  • the BY variables

  • the ID variables

  • the WEIGHT variable

  • the independent variables in the MODEL statement

  • the variable _TYPE_, which identifies the observation type in the output data set. _TYPE_ is a character variable with a length of eight, and it takes on the values 'ACTUAL', 'PREDICT', 'RESIDUAL', 'U95M', 'L95M', 'U95', 'L95', and 'D', corresponding to the options specified.

  • the response variables containing special output values identified by the _TYPE_ variable

All confidence limits use the two-tailed Student’s value.


An output data set containing the optimum response ridge is created when the OUTR= option is specified in the RIDGE statement. The data set contains the following variables:

  • the current values of the BY variables

  • a character variable _DEPVAR_ containing the name of the dependent variable

  • a character variable _TYPE_ identifying the type of ridge being computed, MINIMUM or MAXIMUM. If both MAXIMUM and MINIMUM are specified, the data set contains observations for the minimum ridge followed by observations for the maximum ridge.

  • a numeric variable _RADIUS_ giving the distance from the ridge starting point

  • the values of the model factors at the estimated optimum point at distance _RADIUS_ from the ridge starting point

  • a numeric variable _PRED_, which is the estimated expected value of the dependent variable at the optimum

  • a numeric variable _STDERR_, which is the standard error of the estimated expected value

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