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The KRIGE2D Procedure

Displayed Output

In addition to the output data sets, the KRIGE2D procedure produces output objects as well. The KRIGE2D procedure output objects are the following:

  • a default "Number of Observations" table that displays the number of observations read from the input data set and the number of observations used in the analysis

  • a map showing the spatial distribution of the observations of the current VAR variable in the PREDICT statement. The observations are displayed by default with circled markers whose color indicates the VAR value at the corresponding location.

  • a default table for each PREDICT statement that sums up basic information about the kriging analysis

  • a default table for each MODEL statement that shows the covariance model parameters for the corresponding PREDICT statement

  • plots of the kriging prediction and the prediction standard error at each point of the specified output grid. The KRIGE2D procedure produces by default a plot of the kriging prediction and the corresponding prediction error for each MODEL statement of every PREDICT statement that you specify. You can produce more of these plots with styles that you can specify by using the available suboptions of the PLOTS=PREDICTION option.

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