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The GLM Procedure |
Using PROC GLM Interactively |
You can use the GLM procedure interactively. After you specify a model with a MODEL statement and run PROC GLM with a RUN statement, you can execute a variety of statements without reinvoking PROC GLM.
The section Syntax: GLM Procedure describes which statements can be used interactively. These interactive statements can be executed singly or in groups by following the single statement or group of statements with a RUN statement. Note that the MODEL statement cannot be repeated; PROC GLM allows only one MODEL statement.
If you use PROC GLM interactively, you can end the GLM procedure with a DATA step, another PROC step, an ENDSAS statement, or a QUIT statement.
When you are using PROC GLM interactively, additional RUN statements do not end the procedure but tell PROC GLM to execute additional statements.
When you specify a WHERE statement with PROC GLM, it should appear before the first RUN statement. The WHERE statement enables you to select only certain observations for analysis without using a subsetting DATA step. For example, where group ne 5 omits observations with GROUP5 from the analysis. See SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for details on this statement.
When you specify a BY statement with PROC GLM, interactive processing is not possible; that is, once the first RUN statement is encountered, processing proceeds for each BY group in the data set, and no further statements are accepted by the procedure.
Interactivity is also disabled when there are different patterns of missing values among the dependent variables. For details, see the section Missing Values.
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