Creating a Summary Report


You have a table that contains detailed sales information. You want to produce a summary report from the detail table.

Background Information

There is one input table, called SALES, that contains detailed sales information. There is one record for each sale for the first quarter that shows the site, product, invoice number, invoice amount, and invoice date.
data sales;
  input Site $ Product $ Invoice $ InvoiceAmount InvoiceDate $;
V1009  VID010  V7679 598.5  980126
V1019  VID010  V7688 598.5  980126
V1032  VID005  V7771  1070  980309
V1043  VID014  V7780  1070  980309
V421   VID003  V7831  2000  980330
V421   VID010  V7832   750  980330
V570   VID003  V7762  2000  980302
V659   VID003  V7730  1000  980223
V783   VID003  V7815   750  980323
V985   VID003  V7733  2500  980223
V966   VID001  V5020  1167  980215
V98    VID003  V7750  2000  980223
proc sql;
  title 'Sample Data to Create Summary Sales Report';
  select * from sales;
Sample Input Table for Creating a Summary Report
Sample Data to Create Summary Sales Report
You want to use this table to create a summary report that shows the sales for each product for each month of the quarter.


Use the following PROC SQL code to create a column for each month of the quarter, and use the summary function SUM in combination with the GROUP BY statement to accumulate the monthly sales for each product:
proc sql;
   title 'First Quarter Sales by Product';
   select Product, 
          sum(Jan) label='Jan', 
          sum(Feb) label='Feb',
          sum(Mar) label='Mar'
      from (select Product,
                      when substr(InvoiceDate,3,2)='01' then
                         InvoiceAmount end as Jan,
                      when substr(InvoiceDate,3,2)='02' then 
                         InvoiceAmount end as Feb,
                      when substr(InvoiceDate,3,2)='03' then
                         InvoiceAmount end as Mar
               from work.sales)
      group by Product;
PROC SQL Output for a Summary Report
First Quarter Sales by Product
Note: Missing values in the matrix indicate that no sales occurred for that given product in that month.

How It Works

This solution uses an in-line view to create three temporary columns, Jan, Feb, and Mar, based on the month part of the invoice date column. The in-line view is a query that performs the following:
  • selects the product column
  • uses a CASE expression to assign the value of invoice amount to one of three columns, Jan, Feb, or Mar, depending on the value of the month part of the invoice date column
       when substr(InvoiceDate,3,2)='01' then
          InvoiceAmount end as Jan,
       when substr(InvoiceSate,3,2)='02' then 
          InvoiceAmount end as Feb,
       when substr(InvoiceDate,3,2)='03' then
          InvoiceAmount end as Mar
The first, or outer, SELECT statement in the query performs the following:
  • selects the product
  • uses the summary function SUM to accumulate the Jan, Feb, and Mar amounts
  • uses the GROUP BY statement to produce a line in the table for each product
Notice that dates are stored in the input table as strings. If the dates were stored as SAS dates, then the CASE expression could be written as follows:
   when month(InvoiceDate)=1 then
      InvoiceAmount end as Jan,
   when month(InvoiceDate)=2 then
      InvoiceAmount end as Feb,
   when month(InvoiceDate)=3 then
      InvoiceAmount end as Mar