How to Affect the WHERE Planner

SPDSWCST Macro Variable

To turn off dynamic WHERE-costing, specify the following:

SPDSWDEB Macro Variable

To turn on WHINIT planning output, specify the following:

SPDSIRAT Macro Variable

To affect the WHERE planner SPD index pre-evaluation, specify the following:
%let SPDSIRAT=index-segment-ratio; 
The SPDSIRAT macro variable specifies a maximum percentage (ratio) for the number of segments in the hybrid bitmap that must contain the index value before the WHERE planner should pre-evaluate a segment list.
The segment list enables the planner to launch threads only for segments that contain the value. If the value number exceeds the ratio, the planner performs no pre-evaluation. Instead, the planner launches a thread for each segment in the table.
The SPDSIRAT macro variable option can be used to ensure that time spent in pre-evaluation does not exceed the cost of launching a thread for each segment in the table. By default, SPDSIRAT is set to 75%. This means that if an index value is contained in 75% or less of the index segments, the hybrid bitmap logic will pre-evaluate the value and return a list of segments to the WHERE clause planner. If more than 75% of the index segments contain the target index value, the time spent on pre-evaluation might be more than the time saved by skipping a small number of segments.
For some tables 75% might not be the optimal setting. To determine a better setting, run a performance benchmark, adjust the percentage, and rerun the performance benchmark. Comparing results will show you how the specific data population that you are querying responds to shifting the index-segment ratio. The allowable range to adjust the setting value is from 0 to 100, where 0 means never perform WHERE clause pre-evaluation, and 100 means always perform WHERE clause pre-evaluation.

SPDSNIDX Macro Variable or NOINDEX= Table Option

To suppress WHINIT use of any index, specify the no index server macro variable or the corresponding server table option:

data _null_;
set foo.a (noindex=yes); 

SPDSWSEQ Macro Variable

By default, when WHINIT detects equality predicates that have indexes, it chooses EVAL1. However, the user can decide that sequential EVAL3 or EVAL4 methods are better. For example, in an equality WHERE predicate such as where x = 3, WHINIT will default to EVAL1 to evaluate the clause. If a user knows that the table queried has only a few rows that can satisfy this predicate, EVAL3 might be a better choice. To force WHINIT to choose EVAL3/4, specify the following:
Note: When SPDSWSEQ=YES, it overrides server WHERE clause costing decisions.

[NO]WHERECOSTING Server Parameter Option

Controls whether the server uses dynamic WHERE-costing. When dynamic WHERE-costing is disabled, the rules-based WHINIT heuristic is used to tune WHERE clauses for performance. The default setting is for NOWHERECOSTING.


A user might decide that one or more indexes selected by a WHINIT plan are not the best choice. This can occur because WHINIT is rule-based, not cost-based. Sometimes WHINIT selects a less-than-optimal plan. WHINIT's use of specific indexes can be affected by specifying the server option WHERENOINDEX= in your DATA step.
data _null_;
set foo.a (wherenoindex=(idx_abc d))
This example specifies that WHINIT not use index idx_abc and index d.

Why and When to Suppress Indexes

Most rule-based planners, including WHINIT from the server, assume that the index has a uniform distribution of values between the upper and lower value boundaries. This means if data values range between 2 and 10, that there is an equal number of 3s and 4s, and so on. When the assumption of a uniform distribution is false, an indexed predicate can return a large number of rows. In turn, this causes WHINIT's indexed plan to run slower than a sequential read of the entire table. In this case, the index should be suppressed.
Here is another, more subtle instance. When the WHERE clause uses only the front part of the key, WHINIT selects a composite index. Assume an index abcd on columns A, B, C, and D, and an index e on column E, and specify the WHERE clause as follows:
where a = 3 and e = 5; 
Normally, WHINIT will select both indexes (abcd and e) and choose EVAL1. However, using the index abcd just to interrogate a might return a large number of rows. In this case, suppressing the abcd index might be a good idea.
Last updated: February 8, 2017