LOAD TABLE Statement

Creates a new SPD Server table from an existing SPD Server table by using a SELECT clause.

Valid in: SPD Server
Explicit SQL pass-through facility
Requirements: When data is loaded between domains, the source and destination domains must have the same backup setting. That is, both domains must have BACKUP=YES or BACKUP=NO in their definition. When domains have different backup settings, you must use CREATE TABLE AS to create a table from an existing server table.
The LOAD TABLE statement requires local direct access to the source and destination tables from the machine that the server is running on. SPD Server does not support the LOAD TABLE statement for use with tables in a Hadoop domain.


LOAD TABLE new-table-name [ WITH index-name ON (column-name)
[ ',' WITH index-name ON (column-name)]]
AS SELECT select-list FROM old-table-name
[WHERE sql-expression]';'

Required Arguments


specifies the name of the new server table.


specifies the name of the source server table.


defines the columns for the new table. Valid values are one or more column names or an * (asterisk), which indicates all columns from the table. All characteristics of the columns in the SELECT list are preserved and become permanent attributes of the new table's column definitions.

Optional Arguments

WHERE sql-expression

specifies an sql-expression that selects a subset of the data from the old table for the new table.

WITH index-name ON (column-name) [ ',' WITH index-name ON (column-name)]

creates indexes on one or more columns in the new table.


Use the LOAD TABLE statement to create a table from an existing table with one or more indexes using a single statement. The SELECT statement enables you to use a subset of the columns from the source table in the new table. The WHERE statement enables you to subset the data. In general, the LOAD TABLE statement is faster than a corresponding CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statement pair, because it builds the table and one or more associated indexes asynchronously by using parallel processing.


Use LOAD TABLE when you want to create a new table that contains a subset of the columns or data from an existing SPD Server table. Use COPY TABLE when you want to duplicate the source table in its entirety.


Example 1: Create a New Table with Multiple Indexes

This example creates a server table named CarLoad that contains a subset of the data from an SPD Server table named Cars. The creation of table CarLoad and its indexes occurs in parallel.
load table carload with
index origin
on (origin),
index mpg
on (mpg)
as select *
from cars) 
by sasspds;

Example 2: Creating Multiple Server Tables from a Single Server Table

In this example, multiple EXECUTE statements are issued to create a table for individual U.S. states from a global table called State that contains many states. The first EXECUTE statement uses LOAD TABLE to create table State_AL (Alabama), and creates an index on the County column. The structure of the table State_AL and the data in the table both come from the global table State. The data in State_AL is the subset of all records from the State table in which the column value equals 'AL'. The LOAD TABLE statement creates a table for all states (Alabama through Wyoming). The table for each state is indexed by county and mirrors the structure of the parent table State.
execute(load table state_al
with index county
on (county) as
select *
from state
where state='AL')
by sasspds;

execute(load table state_az
with index county
on (county) as
select *
from state
where state='AZ')
by sasspds;
execute(load table state_wy
with index county
on (county) as
select *from state
where state='WY')
by sasspds;
Last updated: February 8, 2017