Specifying SQL Planner Options

Specify SQL Options by Using Explicit Pass-Through Code

The following example shows how to use an execute(reset <reset-options>) statement in SQL explicit pass-through server code to invoke reset options for the SQL Planner, Parallel Group-By facility, Parallel Join facility, or STARJOIN facility.
Most usage examples of the SQL Planner reset option in this document use SQL explicit pass-through code.
/* SQL Explicit Pass-Through Example */
/* to invoke an SQL Reset Option */

proc sql;
connect to sasspds (
  password='passwrd') ;

execute(reset PRINTLOG)
  by sasspds ;

execute(SQL statements)
  by sasspds ;

disconnect from sasspds ;
 quit ; 
The example includes two EXECUTE statements. The first EXECUTE statement specifies the reset option. The SQL statements to which the reset option applies are specified in the second EXECUTE statement.

Specify SQL Options for SQL Implicit Pass-Through Code

For SQL implicit pass-through requests, you declare SQL reset options by using the SPDSSQLR macro variable. The following example shows how to use the macro variable.
/* SQL Implicit Pass-Through Example */
/* to invoke an SQL Reset Option */

%let spdssqlr= INOBS=1000 ;
libname spdslib sasspds 'mydomain' host="husky" service="5600" user="siteusr1"

proc sql ;
...SQL statements... ;
quit ;  
You submit your PROC SQL request as usual. The macro variable simply alters the context in which the request is executed.For more information about this macro variable, see SPDSSQLR Macro Variable.
Last updated: February 8, 2017