Using PROC CONTENTS to See Index Information

Sometimes you want to see information about indexes that are associated with a particular table. The PROC CONTENTS table option VERBOSE= provides additional detail about all of the indexes that are associated with a server table. For example, the following PROC CONTENTS code uses the VERBOSE= option to show details about two indexes:
proc contents data=mainhs.class (verbose=yes);
The result shows the minimum and maximum values for the two indexes in the table and the number of discrete values for each index:
Alphabetic List of Index Info:				.
Index         												Name
KeyValue (Min):                 			Alfred
KeyValue (Max):                 			William
# of Discrete values:            			19
Index         												age_sex
KeyValue (Min):                 			11.000000
KeyValue (Max):                 			16.000000
# of Discrete values:            			11
Data Partsize													16776672
Last updated: February 8, 2017