Parallel Join Reset Options


The PLLJOIN / NOPLLJOIN option enables and disables the server Parallel Join facility.

execute(reset noplljoin)
  by sasspds ; /* disables Parallel Join */


The CONCURRENCY=<n> option sets the concurrency level that the server Parallel Join facility uses. The integer value n specifies the number of levels. In most cases, you should not change the default server concurrency setting, which is half of the available number of processors.

Your concurrency value should not exceed 2. A concurrency of 1 or 2 for parallel merge join still provides parallelism and has been shown to give optimal performance based on benchmark testing results. A concurrency of 1 means that two threads are working in parallel. A concurrency of 2 means that three threads are working in parallel.
execute(reset concurrency=2)
  by sasspds ; /* enables 2 concurrency levels */  


The PLLJMAGIC option specifies how SPD server performs parallel joins.

execute(reset plljmagic=<100/200>)
  by sasspds ; 


forces a parallel range join when the range index is available.


forces a parallel merge join.

Last updated: February 8, 2017