Overview of Server SQL Views

The server supports the creation of SQL views. A view is a virtual table that is based on the result set of an SQL statement. A server view can reference only server tables. You must use SQL explicit pass-through syntax to create server views:
         create view <viewname> 
         as <SELECT-statement>)
     BY [sasspds|alias];
When you create an SQL view, a view file is created in the specified domain with the name <viewname>.view.0.0.0.spds9. After you create an SQL view, you can use the server view as a table in server SQL queries.
The server also supports creation of materialized views. In a materialized view, the results of the view statement are computed and saved in a temporary server table when the view is created. When the view is referenced, the contents of the temporary table are delivered, unless the underlying data is found to be changed. Then, the view functions like a regular view and automatically re-creates the temporary table. Materialized server views take a longer time to create than regular views, but they display results much more quickly than regular views for data that doesn’t change frequently.
Last updated: February 8, 2017