Gets column information from a statement token.

Valid in: SPD Server


int spqlcolinfo(void *stmttok, int *ncols, spqlcinfo_t **colvec)

Required Arguments

void *stmttok

the statement token to use to access column information from 'select'.

int *ncols

returns in the statement token the number of columns selected.

spqlcinfo **colvec

Returns in the statement token a pointer to the array of spqlcinfo_t structures.


INT interrogates token for column information. Upon return of the call, updates ncols with the column count selected in the statement and updates colvec with the pointer to the vector of spqlcol_t structures in the statement.
Note: Treat structures accessed by the returned pointer as read-only memory.
Returns: 0 if successful.
Last updated: February 8, 2017