Configures the SPD Server connection to generate additional domain connections.
Valid in: | SPD Server LIBNAME Statement |
Default: | NO |
Applies to: | Use of DS2 and FEDSQL languages with SPD Server; referencing more than one domain in explicit SQL pass-through |
connects to the server with a single domain connection.
generates additional domain connections. These additional connections have two purposes:
ERROR: Creation of aligned tables in BACKUP=YES domains not supported
libname mylib sasspds 'mydomain' host='' service=5400 user='anonymous' libgen=yes; proc fedsql; ...FedSQL language statements ...; quit; proc ds2; ...DS2 language statements ...; run; quit;
/* assign a libref to the first domain */ libname path1 sasspds 'domain1' server=boxer.5400 libgen=yes ip=YES user='anonymous' ; /* assign a libref to the second domain */ libname path2 sasspds 'domain2' server=boxer.5400 libgen=yes ip=YES user='anonymous' ; /* create a table in each domain */ data path1.table1 (keep=i table1) path2.table2 (keep=i table2) ; table1 = 'table1' ; table2 = 'table2' ; do i = 1 to 10 ; output ; end ; run ; proc sql ; /* make an explicit connection to the first domain */ connect to sasspds ( dbq='Path1' server=boxer.5140 user='anonymous') ; /* Use the assigned librefs */ /* to identify the tables in */ /* the EXECUTE statement */ execute (create table table4 as select * from path1.table1 a, path2.table2 b where a.i = b.i) by sasspds ; disconnect from sasspds ; quit ;