WORKPATH= Parameter File Option

Specifies a list of paths that contain temporary SPD Server work tables and temporary intermediate files that are associated with the declared domain.

Valid in: libnames.parm parameter file
Requirement: Use ROPTIONS= to specify WORKPATH=





a complete pathname in single or double quotation marks within parentheses. It separates multiple paths with spaces. Here is an example:



The WORKPATH= setting in the libnames.parm parameter file does not apply only to the domain. The WORKPATH= setting in the libnames.parm parameter file overrides the WORKPATH= value in the spdsserv.parm parameter file to become the new global setting for the server.
The WORKPATH= setting is activated when a connection is made to the domain. The last server connection that specifies a domain that has a WORKPATH= setting sets the global working path for all other connections. Consult the server log to see which WORKPATH= is in use.
Last updated: February 3, 2017