Configuring SPD Server to Run as a Service

The SPD Server installation configures SPD Server to run under Windows Services by default. This enables SPD Server to automatically be started and stopped when users start and stop Windows. It also enables you to verify SPD Server services via Windows Services. To open the Windows Services window, select Startthen selectControl Panelthen selectAdministrative Toolsthen selectServices. The main panel of Windows Services contains a sortable list of Windows services. Scroll down the Services list to find entries for the SPD Server 5.3 services.
Most users prefer to use Windows Services. If you do not want to take advantage of Windows Services, you can disable use of Windows Services for SPD Server as follows.
  1. In the Window Services window, scroll down the Services list to find the entry for SPD Server 5.3 Name Server.
  2. Right-click the name server service in the list, and select Properties. The Properties window appears.
  3. Select Manual from the Start-up type list. This setting configures the name server for manual start up. Click OK to apply the changes and close the window.
  4. Repeat this process to change the Start-up type setting for the SPD Server data server and the SPD Server SNET Server. At this point, your name server, data server, and SNET Server services are configured to be started manually.
Last updated: February 3, 2017