Using spdsbkup

Syntax for the spdsbkup Utility

spdsbkup -d <domain> -f <file> -h <host> [-hash][-s <service>][-u <user>]
[-p <password>][-t <mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss>][-fibfact <n>] [-r <count>]
[-a | -aonly][-n] [-q] [-v] [-nv6warn] [table...]
spdsbkup -full -d <domain> -f <file> -h <host > [-hash][-s <service>][-u <user>]
[-p <password>][-t <mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss>][-fibfact <n>][-r <count>]
[-a | -aonly][-n][-q][-v][-nv6warn][table...]
spdsbkup -inc -d <domain> -f <file> -h <host> [-hash][-s <service>][-u <user>]
[-p <password>][-t <mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss>][-fibfact <n>] [-r <count>]
[-a | -aonly][-n][-q][-v][-nv6warn][table...]


performs an incremental backup or full backup of server tables, depending on whether a full backup already exists.

  • If a table does not have a pre-existing full backup, spdsbkup performs a full backup of the table and sets the last full backup date.
  • If the table does have a pre-existing full backup, spdsbkup performs an incremental backup. The incremental backup uses the latest full or incremental backup date as the beginning point for the incremental content change for the table.

spdsbkup -full

performs a full backup of server tables. All of the table rows and attributes (indexes, definitions, partition size, compression, and sorted) are backed up. After each full table backup, spdsbkup -inc resets the last full backup date for the table. See the -n option for dependencies.

spdsbkup -inc

performs only incremental backups of server tables.

  • If a full backup (required for an incremental) is unavailable, spdsbkup -inc prints a warning message and the table is not backed up.
  • If a full backup is available, spdsbkup -inc performs an incremental backup of the table using the later of the two dates: the date of the last full backup or of the last SPD Server incremental backup for the table.
Attribute changes to the table are not backed up in an incremental backup. Only the incremental changes for the rows since the last backup are backed up.

Options for the spdsbkup Utility


specifies to include the domain ACL files in the backup.


specifies to back up only the domain ACL files. No tables are backed up.

-d <domain>

specifies the server domain that you want to back up.

Note: The system that performs the backup must be able to access the physical path for the domain locally or through a network connection.

-f <file>

specifies the prefix filename for the backup data file. This filename is concatenated with _BK_ddmmmyyy_hhmmss.0.0.0.spds9. The complete name identifies the file as an SPD Server backup file. If the backup file exceeds the system's file size limit, spdsbkup automatically extends the file and separates it into multiple backup files. Each file has a unique file extension (the 0.0.0 portion of the filenames is different).

-fibfact <n>

increases the File Information Block (FIB) metadata space by a factor of n, where n is greater than or equal to 2. The -fibfact option is necessary only if a backup fails due to insufficient FIB metadata space (fibspace). FIB metadata space shortages occur when the domain that is being backed up contains an unusually large number of tables.

-h <host>

specifies the host name of the name server. If you do not specify this option, the default value is SpdsName.


prints the hash sign (#) to STDOUT for each 256K block that is compressed and written to the backup file.


prints the command-line usage syntax and option switch list for the spdsbkup utility.


specifies that index information for server tables should not be saved when performing full backups. When the table is restored, the restore utility does not create indexes. The index itself is not backed up; only the definition of the index is backed up.


suppresses the warning Cannot back up v6 data set. spdsbkup can back up only tables that were created with SPD Server 5.1 or later. If you try to back up earlier versions of server tables, a warning message is issued unless you specify the -NV6WARN option.

-p <password>

specifies the user password. Used in conjunction with the -u option.

-proj <directory>

specifies the domain project directory.


runs spdsbkup in quiet mode, which includes only error messages and warning messages in the output during a backup operation.

-r <count>

specifies the number of times spdsbkup retries accessing a table that is not available because it is being updated. A table that is being updated cannot be backed up. The spdsbkup utility pauses 5 seconds, and then retries the table if it was unavailable during the previous access attempt. The default retry count is 1.

-s <service>

specifies the port number of the name server. If you do not specify this option, the default port number of the name server is 5400.

-t <datetimevalue>

specifies the date/time of the last full system backup for the table that is to be backed up.

When you specify the -t option with spdsbkup, the utility performs a full backup if no previous backup was made with the utility. Otherwise, the utility performs an incremental backup on the table from the date/time that the last backup was made or the date/time in the -t option, whichever is later.
When you specify the -t option with spdsbkup -inc, the utility prints a warning message if it encounters a table that was created after the specified date/time. The message states that the table cannot be backed up incrementally until a full backup of the table is completed. If no conflict is found, the utility performs an incremental backup on the table from the date/time the last backup was made or the date/time in the -t option, whichever is later.
You cannot use the -t option with spdsbkup -full.

-u <user>

specifies the SPD Server user ID of the user. Used in conjunction with the -p option.


includes the full name of the backup file and the backup's table of contents file as part of a spdsbkup note. For an incremental backup, the spdsbkup note indicates the date/time from which the incremental backup on the table was made.

[table ...]

specifies a list of tables in the domain that you want to include in the backup. If you do not specify any tables, all of the eligible tables in the domain are backed up.

Note: The list of tables to be backed up must be the last option that you specify.

Return Values for the spdsbkup Utility

When spdsbkup exits, it generates a return value.


indicates that the backup was successful.


indicates that one or more tables were not backed up. Examine your SAS log for warning messages.


indicates that a critical error caused the process to terminate early. Examine your SAS log for warning and error messages.

Log Messages for the spdsbkup Utility

These spdsbkup messages can appear in your SAS log:
  • Successful Backup
    If spdsbkup successfully backs up a table, it writes notes to STDOUT, unless the -Q option is specified. The notes include summary information such as the name of the table that was backed up, the number of rows that were backed up, and whether a full backup or an incremental backup was performed.
  • Warning: Table Cannot Be Backed Up
    If spdsbkup cannot back up a table, it prints a warning message that states why the table could not be backed up.
  • Failed Backup: Error and Program Aborts
    If the spdsbkup utility detects a serious failure condition, it stops the backup process and prints an error message that states the reason for the failure.
Last updated: February 3, 2017