REVNUMUPDATE Parameter File Option

Controls whether the revision number is updated on SPD Server table component files.

Valid in: spdsserv.parm parameter file



Optional Arguments


suppresses revision number updates to component files when a table is modified so that the DPF and INDEX file components of a server table will not change the component filenames. There is a performance benefit in not updating revision numbers, particularly if the table contains a large number of DPF partitions, or if dynamic locking is used while performing table updates. There is also a benefit for backup and restore: the DPF partitions do not change names, and the last modified date on the file changes only if the DPF file was physically modified.


adds revision numbers to component filenames when the component files are updated. Previous versions of SPD Server used REVNUMUPDATE as a default setting. If an SPD Server user has been using the revision number to track backup and restore versions, the REVNUMUPDATE setting can still be used.

Last updated: February 3, 2017