SSLALLOWUNXDS Parameter File Option

Specifies whether TLS or UNIX domain sockets is used to secure local client/server data communication.

Valid in: spdsserv.parm parameter file
Applies to: UNIX platform
Interaction: (Optional) This parameter file option can be set when SSLSECURE= is set to YES or PREFERRED.
See: Configuring Secure Sockets Communication



Required Arguments


specifies that TLS is used to secure local client data communication.


specifies that UNIX domain sockets communication is used to secure local client data communication. TLS is used to secure remote client data communication.


When SSLSECURE= is set to YES or PREFERRED, TLS is used to secure client/server data communication for both local and remote clients that are configured to use TLS by default.
A UNIX domain socket is an inter-process communication mechanism that provides for exchanging data between processes executing on the same host operating system. All communication for UNIX domain sockets occurs within the operating system kernel, which ensures secure, efficient communication. TLS uses inter-process TCP/IP socket communication for processes on the same host. UNIX domain sockets can offer better performance than inter-process TCP/IP socket communication on the same host.
When TLS is not configured for SPD Server, local data communication between SPD Server and its clients for UNIX use UNIX domain sockets.
Last updated: February 3, 2017