Customizing the Default Configuration

This section provides an overview of the default configuration settings for basic activities such as logging, auditing, and parameter file locations, and describes how to change them. To modify the default settings, you will need to shut down SPD Server, make the changes, and then re-start SPD Server. You can shut down SPD Server by using the InstallDir/site/killrc script.


By default, SPD Server creates log files in the InstallDir/log directory. The files contain messages that are written to STDOUT or STDERR for the spdsnsrv (SPD Server name server), spdsserv (SPD Server host), and spdssnet (SPD Server SNET Server) processes. The content and location of SPD Server logs is controlled by the value of the rc.spds script variable LOGDIR= .
If you do not want to keep these logs, change the value of LOGDIR= to /dev/null. If you want to keep the logs in a location other than InstallDir/log, specify the new path value in LOGDIR=.
SPD Server log files can grow very large if there is considerable activity. The log files are configured to recycle at a given time each day and start a new logfile. The older log files can then be removed or archived.
The rc.spds script contains the following variables to control the log name and recycle time:
SPD Server host process:
specifies the spdsserv process log file prefix. By default, the name spdsserv_mmddyyyy_hh:mm:ss.spdslog is generated. The values mmddyyyy and hh:mm:ss indicate the time at which the system created the log file.
specifies a recycle time of midnight.
Name server process:
specifies the spdsnsrv process log file prefix. By default, the name spdsnsrv_mmddyyyy_hh:mm:ss.spdslog is generated. The values mmddyyyy and hh:mm:ss indicate the time at which the system created the log file.
specifies a recycle time of midnight.
SNET Server process:
specifies the prefix of the spdssnet process log file. By default, the name spdssnet_mmddyyyy_hh:mm:ss.spdslog is generated. The values mmddyyyy and hh:mm:ss indicate the time at which the system created the log file.
specifies the time of midnight.
To disable automatic log filename generation and cycling, change those settings to empty pointers.
See the comments in the rc.spds script for information to set the log files to recycle at a different time of day or interval from the start time.

Audit File Facility

The audit file facility is not enabled by default. Modify the following variables in the rc.spds script to enable auditing:
specifies the directory for the audit log files.
specifies the prefix for audit log files.
specifies the prefix for SQL audit log files.
specifies the time of day (HH:MM) to cycle the audit log file.
The AUDDIR= and AUDFILE= variables enable proxy audit file creation. The AUDDIR= and AUDFILESQL= variables enable SQL audit file creation. The AUDTIME= variable enables automatic audit file cycling at the specified time of day. For more information about SPD Server auditing, see Audit File Facility.

User Password and Parameter Files

The rc.spds script looks for the spdsserv.parm parameter file, which contains server processing parameters. The script also looks for the password database, which stores information about SPD Server users, in the InstallDir/site directory. If you do not want to keep the files in this location, change the paths of the PARMDIR= and ACLDIR= variables, respectively.

Accessing SPD Server through a Registered Port

To enable access to SPD Server through a registered port (name service), add the following service to your /etc/inet/services or /etc/services file (if this service is not already present):
spdsname 5400/tcp # SPDS Name Service
This service defines the port number for the name server process. Make sure that this port number matches the port number that you used when you installed SPD Server. If you are running SAS on an existing SPD Server installation, this service name is probably already defined. You can either define another service name for the SAS client to use (for example, sp53name), or you can directly include the SPD Server port number in your SAS statements.

SNET Server

The default SPD Server installation assumes that you want the SNET Server (spdssnet process) for accessing SPD Server data via a JDBC client to run. To disable start-up of the SNET server, specify the -NOSNET option when executing the rc.spds script to start SPD Server. Or modify the rc.spds script to set SNET=NO.
Last updated: February 3, 2017