Operating System Resource Configuration

Some operating systems limit the number of concurrent processes a user can own at one time. Some limit the number of concurrent files a user can have open at one time. If you are using an operating system that enforces any of these limits, use these guidelines to configure resources:
Number of Processes per Operating System User ID
SPD Server requires eight concurrent processes. Furthermore, each user creates another process when the SPD Server client connects to the SPD Server host. Therefore, the maximum number of processes that SPD Server requires is the number of concurrent active SPD Server users plus eight.
Number of Open Files per Process
During SPD Server queries, all tables that the query requires are fully opened, including the table metadata file, index files, and data partition files. Therefore, the maximum number of open files would be as follows:
SPD Server Max Open Files per Process = 
[(1 + the maximum number of partitions in a queried SPD Server table) + 
(2 * the maximum number of indexes in a queried SPD Server table) 
For an SPD Server cluster table, the calculated number of open files per process for a single table is multiplied by the number of members in the cluster table.
For queries that involve more than one table, the maximum number of open files per process is the sum of the open files for each table (or cluster member) involved in the query.
A general practice for SPD Server resource management is to configure the number of SPD Server open files per process that are available to the user who owns the SPD Server executables to the system maximum value. If SPD Server reaches a system-imposed limit for the number of processes per user, or number of open files per user, the query fails and an error is printed to the SPD Server log.
Last updated: February 3, 2017