OWNER= Parameter File Option

Specifies the owner of a domain.

Valid in: libnames.parm parameter file
Interaction: (Optional) Used in conjunction with LIBACLINHERIT=.
See: ACL Security





the server user ID of the owner of a domain. Here is an example:



The user specified as OWNER= controls access to the domain. The domain owner can create a domain ACL to provide access to the domain to other SPD Server users. When a domain is specified with an OWNER=, only the owner can use the TEMP=YES LIBNAME statement option with the domain.
The domain ACL controls Read and Write access to the domain. It does not grant access to the resources in the domain. Once the domain ACL is established, normal SPD Server ACL access rules are used to grant or deny access to the resources in the domain. That is, the creator of a resource is the resource owner.
The OWNER= can use the domain ACL to grant the following access levels:
  • Read access to allow a user or group to connect to the domain and read server tables to which that user or group has been given access.
  • Write access to allow a user or group to create new tables in the domain.
  • Control access to allow a user or group to modify the domain ACL.
The domain ACL does not grant access to resources created by the owner, unless the domain definition specifies OWNER= and LIBACLINHERIT=YES. For more information, see LIBACLINHERIT= Parameter File Option.
Last updated: February 3, 2017