SPD Server LIBNAME Statement Debug Option

When you issue a LIBNAME statement in SPD Server, the following debug option is available:


The ALTPATH= option enables the use of an alternate binary path, which is defined by the ALTBINPATH= option in the spdsserv.parm parameter file. The ALTPATH= option does not search entities in the PATH environment variable. If ALTPATH= does not find the ALTBINPATH= option specified in the file, a login failure error is issued. The ALTPATH= option is useful if you want to load a non-production copy of SPD Server (for example, testing a fix) without replacing the production copy of SPD Server on a user basis.
enables use of the alternate binary path that is defined on the ALTBINPATH= spdsserv.parm parameter file option.
disables the alternate binary path for the specified proxy if a binary path is present.
ALTPATH= Example
Issue a LIBNAME proxy that uses the alternate binary path that is defined on the ALTBINPATH= parameter file debug option:
LIBNAME mylib sasspds 'spdsdata' 
  user='denettee' altpath=yes;
Last updated: February 3, 2017