Syntax Conventions

The parameter file documentation uses the following typographical and syntax conventions:
italicized text
identifies parameter values that you supply. And example is primary-path(s).
[ ]
Square brackets identify optional arguments. Any argument that is not enclosed in square brackets is a required argument. Do not type the square brackets. An example is [NO]BYINDEX.
A vertical bar indicates that you can choose one value from a group. Values separated by bars are mutually exclusive. An example is n | nK | nM | nG.
The documentation for SPD Server utilities uses the following syntax conventions:
< >
Angle brackets identify arguments whose value you supply. Do not type the angle brackets. An example is <dataset.column> or <physical-path>.
[ ]
Square brackets identify optional arguments. Any argument that is not enclosed in square brackets is a required argument. Do not type the square brackets. An example is [-verbose].
{ }
Braces provide a method to distinguish required multi-word arguments. Do not type the braces. An example is {-f <fullfile> | -e <extfile>}.
A vertical bar indicates that you can choose one value from a group. Values separated by bars are mutually exclusive.
An ellipsis indicates that the argument or group of arguments that follow the ellipsis can be repeated any number of times. If the ellipsis and the following arguments are enclosed in square brackets, they are optional. An example is [table ...].
Last updated: February 3, 2017