Notes for SPD Server Administrators

The SPD Server administrator performs the configuration and maintenance functions for the server. The following sections contain guidelines for administrators.


The SPD Server administrator requires a UNIX login ID on the machine where SPD Server will be installed and administered. Other server users do not need UNIX login IDs. Other users’ access to server data resources is controlled via SPD Server user IDs in the server’s password database.
Administer your SPD Server environment by using the same UNIX user ID that was used to install SPD Server on the host machine. The common user ID minimizes potential problems with file ownership and system access permissions on the server machine.
Regardless of how the server run-time environment is configured, server processes always run using the UNIX user ID that started the SPD Server session. That UNIX user ID owns all of the files that the server process creates. The UNIX user ID is governed by UNIX file access permissions. Remember this when you start server processes and run server administration utilities. Otherwise, it is possible to create files that have ownership and permissions that deny access to required server processes. If you perform all SPD Server installation and administration tasks from the same UNIX user ID, subsequent use of the server is much easier.

SPD Server Users

The SPD Server administrator uses the SPD Server psmgr utility to register users. SPD Server uses its own layer of access controls that overlay UNIX access permissions.
Each server user is given their own SPD Server user ID and password. The user ID and password are needed to complete the LIBNAME connection to the server. All resources that a user creates are owned by the user. A server user can access only resources that he or she created, and resources that another server user grants him or her access to via server Access Control Lists (ACLs). There also exists an Anonymous user account that any SPD Server user can access with no password, and where all resources that are created by the Anonymous user are accessible to any other server user. For more information, see Anonymous User ID.
Last updated: February 3, 2017