MAXWHTHREADS= Parameter File Option

Specifies the maximum number of parallel threads that can be launched for a WHERE clause evaluation.

Valid in: spdsserv.parm parameter file
Default: the number of cores, divided by two
Interaction: Use of MAXWHTHREADS= should be balanced with MAXSORTTHREADS=, if MAXSORTTHEADS= is used.



Required Argument


specifies a number indicating the maximum number of threads that can be launched.


An SMP (symmetric multi-processor) can have multiple CPUs that might have one or more cores to perform tasks at a given time. These tasks are either software processes or threads that the operating system schedules. MAXWHTHREADS= controls the number of threads that a single process can create when performing a task in parallel. SPD Server WHERE clause evaluation, parallel group by, parallel join, and parallel sorts will use multiple threads for performance. An appropriate thread count is based on your system architecture, the number of expected concurrent users of the system, and the types of queries they are submitting.
You might need to experiment with different MAXWHTHREADS= values until you find an appropriate setting. Setting MAXWHTHREADS= too low can minimize parallelism. Setting MAXWHTHREADS= too high can overcommit CPU resources. For information to help you determine an appropriate setting for your site, see SAS Technical Papers — SAS Scalable Performance Data Server.
Note: The value specified for MAXWHTHREADS= sets the upper limit for the value that users can specify in the SPDSTCNT macro variable and THREADNUM= table option.
Last updated: February 3, 2017