
For the following examples, assume that the InstallDir/ value for your SPD Server is the directory /opt/spds45.

Cleaning WORKPATH Files on Your Server

The following spdsclean command cleans all of the files in the WORKPATH directory list that is designated by /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm:
spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm 
If you want spdsclean to log the files that it deletes, add the -verbose option to the command.
spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm -verbose

Cleaning Residual Temporary Server Domain Files

The following spdsclean command cleans all of the residual temporary files from all of the domains that are defined in the specified libnames.parm parameter file:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm
If you want spdsclean to log the files that it deletes, add the -verbose option to the command.
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -verbose

Cleaning Specified Domains

The following spdsclean command cleans all residual temporary files from the domain TRIAL99:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -domains trial99
To add domain UJOE04 to be cleaned also, use the following command:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -domains trial99, ujoe04
To clean all TRIAL9x domains and all domains that begin with UJOE from the specified server domainfile, use the following command:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -domains trial9?, ujoe*
To log the domains that spdsclean processed and the files that were deleted from each domain, add the -verbose option to any of these spdsclean commands.

Cleaning Other Domain File Classes

The following spdsclean command cleans only the ACL files from domains that begin with UJOE that are defined in the specified libnames.parm parameter file. Because this command specifies the +tmp option, the deletion of residual temporary files is suppressed. To log the domains that were cleaned and the ACL files that were deleted, add the -verbose option.
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm +tmp -acl -domains ujoe*
To clean domain state files from domains TRIAL9x for the specified libnames.parm parameter file, issue the following command:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm
 -domains trial9? -lib11 +tmp 
To log the domains that were cleaned and the files that were deleted, add the -verbose option.

Cleaning WORKPATH and Server Domain Directories

The following spdsclean command cleans all of the WORKPATH files from the directory list specified by the -parmfile option. This command also cleans residual temporary files from domain directories specified by the -libnamefile option.
spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm
 -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -verbose 
Logging is enabled for the WORKPATH and domain directories and for the files that were deleted from each directory.

Cleaning Log Files

The following spdsclean command cleans the .spdslog files that are more than 7 days old from the specified log path directory:
spdsclean -logdir /opt/spds45/log 
To keep log files that are older than 10 days from the date of creation, use the following command:
spdsclean -logdir /opt/spds45/log -logage 10 
If you want to see the files that were deleted, add the -verbose option to the spdsclean command.

Cleaning WORKPATH, Server Domain, and Log Files

The following spdsclean command cleans WORKPATH files from the directory list specified by the -parmfile option, residual temporary files from domain directories in the libnames.parm parameter file specified by -libnamefile, and .spdslog files that are older than 7 days from the specified log path directory:
spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm
 -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm
 -logdir /opt/spds45/log -verbose
Last updated: February 3, 2017