LDAP Parameter File Option

Specifies whether LDAP user authentication is used for SPD Server.

Valid in: spdsserv.parm parameter file
Default: NOLDAP



Optional Arguments


enables LDAP user authentication.on SPD Server.


disables LDAP user authentication for SPD Server.


There are four possible configurations for direct LDAP authentication:
  • Configuration 1: LDAP Server that is running on an SPD Server host. For this configuration, assume that all other LDAP settings use the default configuration. Specify only the LDAP option in the spdsserv.parm parameter file. User authentication is performed by the LDAP server, which is running on the port LOCAL_HOST on the SPD Server host.
  • Configuration 2: LDAP Server that is running on an SPD Server Host using a port other than LOCAL_HOST. For this configuration, assume that all other LDAP settings use the default configuration. Specify the LDAP and LDAPPORT= options in the spdsserv.parm parameter file.
  • Configuration 3: LDAP Server and SPD Server host are running on different machines. Specify the LDAPSERVER= option in addition to the LDAP option in the spdsserv.parm parameter file. If the LDAP Server uses a port other than LOCAL_HOST, specify LDAPPORT= as well.
  • Configuration 4: SPD Server user IDs and passwords are not in their default location in the LDAP database. SPD Server expects the LDAP Server to store information about SPD Server users at the location that corresponds to ou=people, dc=domain, dc=company, dc=com in its database. If your LDAP database stores the information in a different location, specify the LDAPBINDDN= option in addition to LDAP and any other LDAP configuration options that you have set.
Last updated: February 3, 2017