FMTDOMAIN= Parameter File Option

Specifies the domain where user-defined formats are stored.

Valid in: spdsserv.parm parameter file
Default: FORMATS


FMTDOMAIN= domain-name;

Required Argument


specifies the name of an SPD Server domain.

Requirement A LIBNAME= specification for the domain must exist in the libnames.parm parameter file. This domain cannot be in Hadoop.


The server can only have one domain where all user-defined formats are stored. The FMTDOMAIN= option defines this domain. If the FMTDOMAIN= option is not specified in the spdsserv.parm parameter file, the server looks for formats in a domain named FORMATS.
Note: The FORMATS domain is not pre-defined in the libnames.parm parameter file. You must add a LIBNAME= specification for the FORMATS domain to the libnames.parm parameter file.
Specify the FMTDOMAIN= option in the spdsserv.parm parameter file if you want to use a domain other than FORMATS as your formats domain.
Last updated: February 3, 2017