Optimizing Performance with Macro Variables

The default macro variable values automate processing decisions. The default settings provide good performance. However, optimal performance requires changes to the default settings of some macro variables. Before you make changes to the default settings, consider conducting performance testing first. After you quantify performance parameters by using several macro variable settings, you can customize SPD Server so that it solves your business or data problems with maximum efficiency.
Each SPD Server installation is different. You might want to change many values, or just a few. Either way, macro variables are flexible and easy to manipulate.
You can place the macro variable assignment anywhere in the open code of a SAS program except in the data lines. The most convenient location for your %LET statements to initialize macro variables is in your autoexec.sas file or at the beginning of a program. The macro variable assignment is valid for the duration of your session or the executing program. Macro variable values remain in effect until they are changed by a subsequent assignment.
For more information, see SPD Server Macro Variables in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server: User’s Guide.
Last updated: February 3, 2017