Syntax for the spdsls Utility

The spdsls utility can be used to perform several tasks, depending on the arguments that you specify:
spdsls -l [-o][-i][-a][-s][-v][-v8][-v6][-aonly] <LibraryPath> [Table...]
spdsls -c [-i][-o][-a][-v][-diresc <char>] <ComponentPath>
spdsls -info [-o][-v][-s][-v8][-v6][-verbose] <LibraryPath> [Table...]
spdsls -help

spdsls -l

lists all component files for the specified table in the specified server domain. If no table is specified, all tables in the server domain are listed. You can use the output list with any system full backup utility.

spdsls -c

for a specified SPD Server index or data partition component file (which is identified by a full path), lists all other component files for the table that contain the specified file. If you have a table file that is corrupted or that has been deleted, use this option to find all related component files that might be affected. For information about component filenames, see Component File Pathnames.

Note: If any directory names in the primary path of the domain contain an underscore, you must escape the underscore in the path specification. Otherwise, spdsls -c will not work. For more information, see Use spdsls to List Related Files for a Table File Whose Domain Primary Path Has an Underscore.

spdsls -info

lists information about the specified table in the specified server domain. This option provides one line of information about the table as a whole rather than a listing for each component of the table.

spdsls -help

prints a list containing the command-line usage and option switches for the spdsls utility.

Last updated: February 3, 2017