Installation Directories

The installation will create several subdirectories in your SPD Server host installation directory, <SASHome>\SASScalablePerformanceDataServer\release-number. This directory is referred to as InstallDir\ below.
Note: InstallDir\ represents the root directory in which SPD Server is installed.
The InstallDir\bin\ subdirectory contains the SPD Server executable files.
The InstallDir\lib\ subdirectory contains libraries that facilitate third-party access to SPD Server (other than via the SPD Server LIBNAME engine).
The InstallDir\samples\ subdirectory contains sample start-up scripts and SAS programs that provide example uses of SPD Server.
The InstallDir\site\ subdirectory is a storage directory for a user's site-specific customization of the sample SPD Server start-up and configuration files.
Last updated: February 3, 2017