- access control list (ACL)
- a list of users and permission types that each
user has for a data resource such as a file, directory, or table.
- See access control list.
- authentication
- See client authentication.
- Base SAS
- the core product that is part of SAS Foundation
and is installed with every deployment of SAS software. Base SAS provides
an information delivery system for accessing, managing, analyzing,
and presenting data.
- big data
- information (both structured and unstructured)
of a size, complexity, variability, and velocity that challenges or
exceeds the capacity of an organization to handle, store, and analyze
- block
- a group of observations in a data set. By using
blocks, thread-enabled applications can read, write, and process the
observations faster than if they are delivered as individual observations.
- Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
- a list of revoked digital certificates. CRLs are
published by Certification Authorities (CAs), and a CRL contains only
the revoked digital certificates that were issued by a specific CA.
- client authentication (authentication)
- the process of verifying the identity of a person
or process for security purposes. Authentication is commonly used
in providing access to software, and to data that contains sensitive
- component file
- any of several file types in a logical file structure
that is tracked and indexed as a single table. Each SPD Server table
includes a metadata file (.mdf), at least one data file (.dpf), and
might also include index files (.hbx or .idx).
- compound WHERE expression
- a WHERE expression that contains more than one
operator, as in WHERE X=1 and Y>3. See also WHERE expression.
- controller
- a computer component that manages the interaction
between the computer and a peripheral device such as a disk or a RAID.
For example, a controller manages data I/O between a CPU and a disk
drive. A computer can contain many controllers. A single CPU can command
more than one controller, and a single controller can command multiple
- CPU-bound application
- an application whose performance is constrained
by the speed at which computations can be performed on the data. Multiple
CPUs and threading technology can alleviate this problem.
- See Certificate Revocation List.
- data partition
- a physical file that contains data and which is
part of a collection of physical files that comprise the data component
of a table. See also partition.
- data resource
- any of a collection of domains, tables, catalogs
and other types of data that users (with permissions) can access with
SPD Server.
- directory cleanup utility (spdsclean)
- a component of SPD Server that performs routine
maintenance functions on directories.
- distinguished name (DN)
- a unique identifier of an entry in an LDAP network
directory. In effect, a distinguished name is the path to the object
in the directory information tree.
- distributed data
- data that is divided and stored across multiple
connected computers.
- distributed locking
- provides synchronization and group coordination
services to clients over a network connection. The service provider
is the Apache ZooKeeper coordination service, specifically the implementation
of the recipe for Shared Lock that is provided by Apache Curator.
- DN
- See distinguished name.
- domain
- for SPD Server, a specific directory of file storage
locations. The SPD Server Administrator defines the domain in the
libnames.parm parameter file and assigns a name. Users connect to
the SPD Server domain by specifying the domain name, for example,
in the LIBNAME statement for the SASSPDS engine.
- dynamic cluster table
- two or more SPD Server tables that are virtually
concatenated into a single entity, using metadata that is managed
by the SAS SPD Server.
- dynamic locking
- provides multiple users concurrent access to tables.
Users can perform read and write functions, and the integrity of the
table contents is preserved. Clients that use dynamic locking connect
to a separate SPD user proxy process for each connection in the domain.
- explicit pass-through
- a form of the SQL pass-through facility that passes
the user-written, DBMS-specific SQL query code directly to a particular
DBMS for processing. See also implicit pass-through.
- firewall
- a set of related programs that protect the resources
of a private network from users from other networks. A firewall can
also control which outside resources the internal users are able to
- format
- See SAS format.
- function
- See SAS function.
- I/O-bound application
- an application whose performance is constrained
by the speed at which data can be delivered for processing. Multiple
CPUs, partitioned I/O, threading technology, RAID (redundant array
of independent disks) technology, or a combination of these can alleviate
this problem.
- implicit pass-through
- a form of the SQL pass-through facility that translates
SAS SQL query code to the DBMS-specific SQL code, enabling the translated
code to be passed to a particular DBMS for processing. See also explicit pass-through.
- informat
- See SAS informat.
- JAR (Java Archive)
- the name of a package file format that is typically
used to aggregate many Java class files and associated metadata and
resources (text, images, etc.) into one file to distribute application
software or libraries on the Java platform.
- Java Archive
- See JAR.
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- a standard interface for accessing SQL databases.
JDBC provides uniform access to a wide range of relational databases.
It also provides a common base on which higher-level tools and interfaces
can be built.
- See Java Database Connectivity.
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- a protocol that is used for accessing directories
or folders. LDAP is based on the X.500 standard, but it is simpler
and, unlike X.500, it supports TCP/IP.
- libnames.parm file
- an SPD Server parameter file that defines the
domains by establishing the names and file storage locations for data
resources. The file also serves as a tool for controlling access to
the domains and for managing storage of SPD Server files.
- light-weight process thread
- a single-threaded subprocess that is created and
controlled independently, usually with operating system calls. Multiple
light-weight process threads can be active at one time on symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP) hardware or in thread-enabled operating systems.
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- See LDAP.
- macro variable (symbolic variable)
- a variable that is part of the SAS macro programming
language. The value of a macro variable is a string that remains constant
until you change it.
- name server
- an SPD Server server process that converts domain
names to data storage locations.
- national language support (NLS)
- the set of features that enable a software product
to function properly in every global market for which the product
is targeted.
- See national language support.
- See Open Database Connectivity.
- Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
- an interface standard that provides a common application
programming interface (API) for accessing data. Many software products
that run in the Windows operating environment adhere to this standard
so that you can access data that was created using other software
- parallel execution
- See parallel processing.
- parallel I/O
- a method of input and output that takes advantage
of multiple CPUs and multiple controllers, with multiple disks per
controller to read or write data in independent threads.
- parallel processing (parallel execution)
- a method of processing that divides a large job
into multiple smaller jobs that can be executed simultaneously on
multiple CPUs. See also threading.
- parameter file
- a document that contains the data that SPD Server
needs to perform its functionality. SPD Server uses a libnames.parm
parameter file and an spdsserv.parm parameter file.
- partition
- part or all of a logical file that spans devices
or directories. A partition is one physical file. Data files, index
files, and metadata files can all be partitioned, resulting in data
partitions, index partitions, and metadata partitions, respectively.
Partitioning a file can improve performance for very large tables. See also data partition.
- pass-through facility
- See SQL pass-through facility.
- password database
- registers users to enable access to SPD Server.
The database stores each user ID and password, a user’s ACL
group memberships, authorization level, performance class, account
expiration information, and server access records.
- password database utility
- a component that creates and manages the password
database, and that enables users to access SPD Server. It is an interactive
command-line utility that begins with the psmgr command.
- primary path
- the location in which metadata files are stored,
and the default location for other component files. Typically, the
other component files (data files and index files) are stored in separate
storage paths in order to take advantage of the performance boost
of multiple CPUs.
- RAID (redundant array of independent disks)
- a type of interleaved storage system that comprises
multiple disks to store large amounts of data inexpensively. RAIDs
can have several levels. For example, a level-0 RAID combines two
or more hard drives into one logical disk drive. Various RAID levels
provide differing amounts of redundancy and storage capability. Also,
because the same data is stored in different places, I/O operations
can overlap, which can result in improved performance. See also redundancy.
- record-level locking
- locking at the record level in a table or data
set. The user who owns the lock has exclusive access to a single record,
while other users can access other records in the same table or data
- redundancy
- a characteristic of computing systems in which
multiple interchangeable components are provided in order to minimize
the effects of failures, errors, or both. For example, if data is
stored redundantly (in a RAID, for example), then if one disk is lost,
the data is still available on another disk.
- redundant array of independent disks
- See RAID.
- See row-level security.
- row-level security (RLS)
- a security feature that controls access to rows
in a table in order to prevent users from accessing restricted data.
- SAS format (format)
- a type of SAS language element that is used to
write or display data values according to the data type: numeric,
character, date, time, or timestamp.
- SAS function (function)
- a type of SAS language element that is used to
process one or more arguments and then to return a result that can
be used in either an assignment statement or an expression.
- SAS informat (informat)
- a type of SAS language element that is used to
read data values according to the data's type: numeric, character,
date, time, or timestamp.
- SAS Management Console
- a Java application that provides a single user
interface for performing SAS administrative tasks.
- SAS Metadata Server
- a multi-user server that enables users to read
metadata from or write metadata to one or more SAS Metadata Repositories.
- SAS Scalable Performance Data Server (SPD Server)
- a server that restructures data in order to enable
multiple threads, running in parallel, to read and write massive amounts
of data efficiently.
- sasroot
- a representation of the name for the directory
or folder in which SAS is installed at a site or a computer.
- the SAS engine that provides access to the SAS
SPD Server.
- scalability
- the ability of a software application to function
well and with minimal loss of performance, despite changing computing
environments, and despite changes in the volume of computations, users,
or data. Scalable software is able to take full advantage of increases
in computing capability such as those that are provided by the use
of SMP hardware and threaded processing. See also scalable software, server scalability.
- scalable software
- software that responds to increased computing
capability on SMP hardware in the expected way. For example, if the
number of CPUs is increased, the time to solution for a CPU-bound
problem decreases by a proportionate amount. And if the throughput
of the I/O system is increased, the time to solution for an I/O-bound
problem decreases by a proportionate amount.
- Secure Sockets Layer
- See SSL.
- serde
- an interface that enables serialization or deserialization
of one or more file formats.
- server scalability
- the ability of a server to take advantage of SMP
hardware and threaded processing in order to process multiple client
requests simultaneously. That is, the increase in computing capacity
that SMP hardware provides increases proportionately the number of
transactions that can be processed per unit of time. See also threaded processing.
- session
- a single period during which a software application
is in use, from the time the application is invoked until its execution
is terminated.
- SMP (symmetric multiprocessing)
- a type of hardware and software architecture that
can improve the speed of I/O and processing. An SMP machine has multiple
CPUs and a thread-enabled operating system. An SMP machine is usually
configured with multiple controllers and with multiple disk drives
per controller.
- sort indicator
- an attribute of a data file that indicates whether
a data set is sorted, how it was sorted, and whether the sort was
validated. Specifically, the sort indicator attribute indicates the
following information: 1) the BY variable(s) that were used in the
sort; 2) the character set that was used for the character variables;
3) the collating sequence of character variables that was used; 4)
whether the sort information has been validated. This attribute is
stored in the data file descriptor information. Any SAS procedure
that requires data to be sorted as a part of its process uses the
sort indicator.
- spawn
- to start a process or a process thread such as
a light-weight process thread (LWPT). See also thread.
- SPD Server
- See SAS Scalable Performance Data Server.
- SPD Server STARJOIN Facility (STARJOIN Facility)
- a component of the SPD Server SQL Planner that
optimizes N-way star schema joins for qualified SPD Server tables.
- SPDO procedure
- the operator interface for SPD Server. The procedure
defines and manages SPD Server ACLs, defines row-level security for
tables, manages proxies, defines and manages cluster tables, refreshes
server parameters and domains, performs table management functions
such as truncating tables, and executes SPD Server utilities from
a central point.
- SPDSBASE process
- accesses or creates SPD Server resources for users.
Several SPDSBASE processes can be active simultaneously in an SPD
Server installation, handling work requests for different users or
different SAS sessions. The SPDSBASE process can take on the role
of either an SPD Server user proxy, an SPD Server SQL proxy, or an
SPD Server SQL user proxy.
- spdsclean
- See directory cleanup utility.
- spdsserv.parm file
- an SPD Server parameter file that defines the
server configuration and performance parameters that control processing
behavior and use of resources.
- SQL pass-through facility (pass-through facility)
- the technology that enables SQL query code to
be passed to a particular DBMS for processing. See also record-level locking.
- SQL query rewrite facility
- examines SQL queries to optimize processing performance.
When an SPD Server user submits SQL statements that contain subexpressions,
the SQL query rewrite facility optimizes the SQL query when possible.
- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- an encryption protocol for securing client-server
communication. See also Transport Layer Security.
- star schema
- tables in a database in which a single fact table
is connected to multiple dimension tables. This is visually represented
in a star pattern. SAS OLAP cubes can be created from a star schema.
- STARJOIN Facility
- See SPD Server STARJOIN Facility.
- symbolic variable
- See macro variable.
- symmetric multiprocessing
- See SMP.
- thread
- the smallest unit of processing that can be scheduled
by an operating system.
- thread-enabled operating system
- an operating system that can coordinate symmetric
access by multiple CPUs to a shared main memory space. This coordinated
access enables threads from the same process to share data very efficiently.
- thread-enabled procedure
- a SAS procedure that supports threaded I/O or
threaded processing.
- threaded I/O
- I/O that is performed by multiple threads in order
to increase its speed. In order for threaded I/O to improve performance
significantly, the application that is performing the I/O must be
capable of processing the data rapidly as well. See also I/O-bound application, thread.
- threaded processing
- processing that is performed in multiple threads
in order to improve the speed of CPU-bound applications. See also CPU-bound application.
- threading
- a high-performance technology for either data
processing or data I/O in which a task is divided into threads that
are executed concurrently on multiple cores on one or more CPUs.
- time to solution
- the elapsed time that is required for completing
a task. Time-to-solution measurements are used to compare the performance
of software applications in different computing environments. In other
words, they can be used to measure scalability. See also scalability.
- See Transport Layer Security.
- Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- the successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a
cryptographic protocol that is designed to provide communication security.
TLS uses asymmetric cryptography for authentication and confidentiality
of the key exchange, symmetric encryption for data/message confidentiality,
and message authentication codes for message integrity.
- WHERE clause
- a syntax string that is composed of the keyword
WHERE, followed by one or more WHERE expressions. A WHERE clause defines
the conditions to be used for selecting observations in a data set. See also WHERE expression.
- WHERE clause planner
- uses factors of cardinality and distribution to
calculate relative processor costs of various WHERE clause options.
The SPD Server WHERE clause planner avoids computation-intensive operations
and uses simple computations where possible.
- WHERE expression
- is a syntax string within a WHERE clause that
defines the criteria for selecting observations. For example, in a
membership database, the expression "WHERE member_type=Senior"
returns all senior members. See also compound WHERE expression, WHERE processing.
- WHERE processing
- a method of conditionally selecting rows for processing
by using a WHERE expression. See also WHERE expression.
- workspace tables
- a list of paths that contain temporary SPD Server
work tables and temporary intermediate files that are associated with
the declared domain.
Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated: February 3, 2017