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Line Plots


To view or modify output options associated with your line plot, click on the Output button of the variables dialog. This displays the options dialog.

lin03.gif (3318 bytes)

Figure 34.3: Line Plot Output Options Dialog

Variable:Names labels the axes with variable names.
Variable:Labels labels the axes with variable labels.
Variable:Both labels the axes with both names and labels.
Orientation: Y Axis Vertical draws the axis for the Y variable vertically. If this option is turned off, the Y axis is horizontal.
Orientation: Vertical Axis at Left places the vertical axis at the left side of the plot. If this option is turned off, the vertical axis appears at the right side of the plot.
Orientation: Horizontal Axis at Bottom places the horizontal axis at the bottom of the plot. If this option is turned off, the horizontal axis appears at the top of the plot.

You can modify other aspects of the line plot by using the pop-up menu.

Figure 34.4: Line Plot Pop-up Menu

Ticks... specifies tick labels on either axis.
Axes toggles the display of axes.
Observations toggles the display of observations. When this menu is toggled off, observations are displayed only if selected.
Reference Lines toggles the display of lines that indicate the position of major ticks on the axes. This option is not available unless the axes are visible.
Marker Sizes sets the size of markers used to display observations.

You can select and brush observations in the line plot even when they are not visible. If you click on a line at the location of an observation, you select that observation. If you click on a line between two observations, you select the line.

Lines in the plot are linked to variables on the Y axis. Click either on the line or on a Y variable to select both the line and its associated variable.

Finally, you can set colors, patterns, and widths of lines the same way you set these attributes for curves. See Chapter 13, "Fitting Curves," for examples of setting patterns, widths, and colors.

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