AUTHLIB Procedure

Using the AUTHLIB Procedure

Requirements for Using the AUTHLIB Statements

Except for the REPORT statement, all statements within the AUTHLIB procedure require that you must meet the following criteria:
  • The SAS session runs under an account that has host-layer control of the target physical library. To ensure that only users who have host control can bind a physical library to metadata, the SAS session must run under a privileged host account as follows:
    • On UNIX, the account must be the owner of the directory.
    • On Windows, the account must have full control of the directory.
    • On z/OS, for UNIX file system libraries, the account must be the owner of the directory.
    • On z/OS, for direct-access bound libraries, the account must have RACF ALTER access authority to the library data set.
  • The SAS session connects to the SAS Metadata Server as an identity that has ReadMetadata and WriteMemberMetadata permissions to the target secured data folder.
  • You must supply the password(s) in CREATE, MODIFY, REPAIR, and REMOVE statements.
The REPORT statement requirements are less restrictive and are documented with that statement.

Copy-In-Place Operation

In the SAS 9.4 release, the copy-in-place operation is used to re-encrypt data sets.
Prior to the second maintenance release of SAS 9.4, metadata-bound data sets in different representations other than the host environment executing the AUTHLIB code fails in CREATE, MODIFY, REPAIR, and REMOVE actions. In the second maintenance release of SAS 9.4, the copy-in-place operation is used to bind or alter bindings of most metadata-bound data files and view files that are accessed through CEDA (Cross-Environment Data Access). However, metadata-bound data sets accessed through CEDA that contain indexes, extended attributes, and integrity constraints are detected and the copy-in-place operation is not attempted as it would still fail.
The following steps are performed in the copy-in-place operation:
  1. The data set is renamed to _TEMP_ENCRYPT_FILE_NAME_.
  2. The data set is copied back to the original data set name, which re-encrypts the data in the process.
  3. The _TEMP_ENCRYPT_FILE_NAME_ file is deleted.