Tips and Best Practices

The following best practices apply to all SAS JSR-168-compliant portlets:
  • The HTML that is displayed in the portlet should be as simple as possible to ensure that the portlet is displayed the same way in each portal. For example, avoid using Dojo in JSR-168 portlets.
  • The SAS Information Delivery Portal expects all portlets to be compatible with Dojo 0.4.3. In addition, its JSR-168 implementation does not define a namespace.
  • The JSR-168 portlet container in the SAS Information Delivery Portal renders the portlet after each action. Some types of redirect errors might be hidden by the second render. Also, some actions that are performed during renders can cause unwanted changes due to multiple renders.
  • The HTML that is displayed in the portlet can use the CSS and images that are included in the SAS Themes web application.