High-Performance Features of the OPTGRAPH Procedure

Distribute Data to Teradata

The following example shows how to use a DATA step to copy a data set to a Teradata database; the table is distributed by a column called from_node:

   libname linkdata 'C:\mydata';

   libname tdlib teradata
      server     = "grid001.example.com"
      user       = dbuser
      password   = dbpass
      database   = hps;

   proc datasets nolist lib=tdlib;
      delete links_data_123;

   data tdlib.links_data_123 (bulkload=yes
                              DBCREATE_TABLE_OPTS="primary index(from_node)");
      set linkdata.links_data_123;

If the output table links_data_123 already exists in the Teradata database, the call to PROC DATASETS removes the table from the database, because a DBMS usually does not support replacement operations on tables.