The following output shows the results
of ranking the values of one variable with a simple PROC RANK step.
In this example, the new ranking variable shows the order of finish
of five golfers over a four-day competition. The player with the lowest
number of strokes finishes in first place. The following statements
produce the output:
proc rank data=golf out=rankings;
var strokes;
ranks Finish;
proc print data=rankings;
Assignment of the Lowest Rank Value to the Lowest Variable
The SAS System 1
Obs Player Strokes Finish
1 Jack 279 2
2 Jerry 283 3
3 Mike 274 1
4 Randy 296 4
5 Tito 302 5
In the following output,
the candidates for city council are ranked by district according to
the number of votes that they received in the election and according
to the number of years that they have served in office.
This example shows how
PROC RANK can do the following tasks:
reverse the order of the rankings
so that the highest value receives the rank of 1, the next highest
value receives the rank of 2, and so on
rank the observations separately
by values of multiple variables
rank the observations within BY
an explanation of the program that produces this report, see Ranking Values within BY Groups.
Assignment of the Lowest Rank Value to the Highest Variable
Value within Each BY Group
Results of City Council Election 1
---------------------------------- District=1 ----------------------------------
Vote Years
Obs Candidate Vote Years Rank Rank
1 Cardella 1689 8 1 1
2 Latham 1005 2 3 2
3 Smith 1406 0 2 3
4 Walker 846 0 4 3
N = 4
---------------------------------- District=2 ----------------------------------
Vote Years
Obs Candidate Vote Years Rank Rank
5 Hinkley 912 0 3 3
6 Kreitemeyer 1198 0 2 3
7 Lundell 2447 6 1 1
8 Thrash 912 2 3 2
N = 4