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The CALENDAR Procedure

Example 6: Calculating a Schedule Based on Completion of Predecessor Tasks

Procedure features:


CALID statement

FIN statement

VAR statement

Other features:



Automating Your Scheduling Task with SAS/OR Software

When changes occur to a schedule, you have to adjust the activity starting dates manually if you use PROC CALENDAR to produce a schedule calendar. Alternatively, you can use PROC CPM in SAS/OR software to reschedule work when dates change. Even more important, you can provide only an initial starting date for a project and let PROC CPM calculate starting dates for activities, based on identified successor tasks, that is, tasks that cannot begin until their predecessors end.

In order to use PROC CPM, you must

  1. create an activities data set that contains activities with durations. (You can indicate nonwork days, weekly work schedules, and work shifts with holidays, calendar, and work-shift data sets.)

  2. indicate which activities are successors to others (precedence relationships).

  3. define resource limitations if you want them considered in the schedule.

  4. provide an initial starting date.

PROC CPM can process your data to generate a data set that contains the start and end dates for each activity. PROC CPM schedules the activities, based on the duration information, weekly work patterns, work shifts, as well as holidays and nonwork days that interrupt the schedule. You can generate several views of the schedule that is computed by PROC CPM, from a simple listing of start and finish dates to a calendar, a Gantt chart, or a network diagram.

Highlights of This Example

This example

This example features PROC CPM's ability to calculate a schedule that

See Also

This example introduces users of PROC CALENDAR to more advanced SAS scheduling tools. For an introduction to project management tasks and tools and several examples, see Project Management Using the SAS System. For more examples, see SAS/OR Software: Project Management Examples. For complete reference documentation, see SAS/OR User's Guide: Project Management.


 Note about code
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=132 pagesize=60;
 Note about code
data grant;
   input jobnum Task $ 4-22 Days Succ1 $ 27-45 aldate : date7. altype $
         _cal_ $;
   format aldate date7.;
1  Run Exp 1          11  Analyze Exp 1       .      .   Student
2  Analyze Exp 1       5  Send Report 1       .      .   Prof.
3  Send Report 1       0  Run Exp 2           .      .   Prof.
4  Run Exp 2          11  Analyze Exp 2       .      .   Student
5  Analyze Exp 2       4  Send Report 2       .      .   Prof.
6  Send Report 2       0  Write Final Report  .      .   Prof.
7  Write Final Report  4  Send Final Report   .      .   Prof.
8  Send Final Report   0                      .      .   Student
9  Site Visit          1                     18jul96 ms  Prof.
 Note about code
data nowork;
   format holista date7. holifin date7.;
   input holista : date7. holifin : date7. name $ 17-32 _cal_ $;
04jul96 04jul96 Independence Day Prof.
02sep96 02sep96 Labor Day        Prof.
04jul96 04jul96 Independence Day Student
02sep96 02sep96 Labor Day        Student
15jul96 16jul96 PROF Vacation    Prof.
15aug96 16aug96 STUDENT Vacation Student
 Note about code
proc cpm data=grant
   activity task;
   successor succ1;
   duration days;
   calid _cal_;
   id task;
   aligndate aldate;
   aligntype altype;
   holiday holista / holifin=holifin;
 Note about code
proc print data=gcpm1;
   title 'Data Set GCPM1, Created with PROC CPM';
 Note about code
proc sort data=gcpm1;
   by e_start;
 Note about code
proc calendar data=gcpm1
   start e_start;
   fin   e_finish;
   calid _cal_ / output=combine;
   holistart holista;
   holifin   holifin;
   holivar name;
   var task;
   title 'Schedule for Experiment X-15';
   title2 'Professor and Student Schedule';

Output: Listing

The Data Set GCPM1

 Note about figure
                                               Data Set GCPM1, Created with PROC CPM                                               1

    Obs   Task                 Succ1                Days    _cal_    E_START   E_FINISH   L_START   L_FINISH   T_FLOAT   F_FLOAT

     1    Run Exp 1            Analyze Exp 1         11    Student   01JUL96   16JUL96    01JUL96   16JUL96       0         0   
     2    Analyze Exp 1        Send Report 1          5    Prof.     17JUL96   23JUL96    17JUL96   23JUL96       0         0   
     3    Send Report 1        Run Exp 2              0    Prof.     24JUL96   24JUL96    24JUL96   24JUL96       0         0   
     4    Run Exp 2            Analyze Exp 2         11    Student   24JUL96   07AUG96    24JUL96   07AUG96       0         0   
     5    Analyze Exp 2        Send Report 2          4    Prof.     08AUG96   13AUG96    08AUG96   13AUG96       0         0   
     6    Send Report 2        Write Final Report     0    Prof.     14AUG96   14AUG96    14AUG96   14AUG96       0         0   
     7    Write Final Report   Send Final Report      4    Prof.     14AUG96   19AUG96    14AUG96   19AUG96       0         0   
     8    Send Final Report                           0    Student   20AUG96   20AUG96    20AUG96   20AUG96       0         0   
     9    Site Visit                                  1    Prof.     18JUL96   18JUL96    18JUL96   18JUL96       0         0   

Schedule Calendar Based on Output from PROC CPM

 Note about figure
                                                    Schedule for Experiment X-15                                                   2
                                                   Professor and Student Schedule

           |                                                                                                                      |
           |                                                      July  1996                                                      |
           |                                                                                                                      |
           |     Sunday     |     Monday     |    Tuesday     |   Wednesday    |    Thursday    |     Friday     |    Saturday    |
 |         |                |        1       |        2       |        3       |        4       |        5       |        6       |
 | PROF.   |                |                |                |                |Independence Day|                |                |
 | STUDENT |                |+===================Run Exp 1====================>|Independence Day|<==Run Exp 1===>|                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |        7       |        8       |        9       |       10       |       11       |       12       |       13       |
 | STUDENT |                |<====================================Run Exp 1=====================================>|                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |       14       |       15       |       16       |       17       |       18       |       19       |       20       |
 | PROF.   |                |*PROF Vacation**|*PROF Vacation**|                |+==Site Visit==+|                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |+=================Analyze Exp 1==================>|                |
 | STUDENT |                |<===========Run Exp 1===========+|                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |       21       |       22       |       23       |       24       |       25       |       26       |       27       |
 | PROF.   |                |<=========Analyze Exp 1=========+|+Send Report 1=+|                |                |                |
 | STUDENT |                |                |                |+===================Run Exp 2====================>|                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |       28       |       29       |       30       |       31       |                |                |                |
 | STUDENT |                |<===================Run Exp 2====================>|                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
                                                    Schedule for Experiment X-15                                                   3
                                                   Professor and Student Schedule

           |                                                                                                                      |
           |                                                     August  1996                                                     |
           |                                                                                                                      |
           |     Sunday     |     Monday     |    Tuesday     |   Wednesday    |    Thursday    |     Friday     |    Saturday    |
 |         |                |                |                |                |        1       |        2       |        3       |
 | STUDENT |                |                |                |                |<===========Run Exp 2===========>|                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |        4       |        5       |        6       |        7       |        8       |        9       |       10       |
 | PROF.   |                |                |                |                |+=========Analyze Exp 2=========>|                |
 | STUDENT |                |<===================Run Exp 2====================+|                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |       11       |       12       |       13       |       14       |       15       |       16       |       17       |
 | PROF.   |                |                |                |+===============Write Final Report===============>|                |
 |         |                |<=========Analyze Exp 2=========+|+Send Report 2=+|                |                |                |
 | STUDENT |                |                |                |                |STUDENT Vacation|STUDENT Vacation|                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |       18       |       19       |       20       |       21       |       22       |       23       |       24       |
 | PROF.   |                |<Write Final Re+|                |                |                |                |                |
 | STUDENT |                |                |+Send Final Rep+|                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |       25       |       26       |       27       |       28       |       29       |       30       |       31       |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |
 |         |                |                |                |                |                |                |                |

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