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The REPORT Procedure

LINE Statement

Provides a subset of the features of the PUT statement for writing customized summaries.
Restriction: This statement is valid only in a compute block that is associated with a location in the report.
Restriction: You cannot use the LINE statement in conditional statements (IF-THEN, IF-THEN/ELSE, and SELECT) because it is not executed until PROC REPORT has executed all other statements in the compute block.
Featured in:

Ordering the Rows in a Report

Using Aliases to Obtain Multiple Statistics for the Same Variable

Writing a Customized Summary on Each Page

LINE specification(s);

Required Arguments


can have one of the following forms. You can mix different forms of specifications in one LINE statement.

item item-format

specifies the item to display and the format to use to display it, where


is the name of a data set variable, a computed variable, or a statistic in the report. For information about referencing report items see Four Ways to Reference Report Items in a Compute Block.


is a SAS format or user-defined format. You must specify a format for each item.

Featured in: Ordering the Rows in a Report
'character-string '

specifies a string of text to display. When the string is a blank and nothing else is in specification(s), PROC REPORT prints a blank line.

Note:   A hexadecimal value (such as 'DF'x) that is specified within character-string will not resolve because it is specified within quotation marks. To resolve a hexadecimal value, use the %sysfunc(byte(num)) function, where num is the hexadecimal value. Be sure to enclose character-string in double quotation marks (" ") so that the macro function will resolve.  [cautionend]

Featured in: Ordering the Rows in a Report
number-of-repetitions*'character-string '

specifies a character string and the number of times to repeat it.

Featured in: Using Aliases to Obtain Multiple Statistics for the Same Variable

specifies the column in which PROC REPORT displays the next specification. You can use either of the following forms for pointer controls:


specifies the number of the column in which to begin displaying the next item in the specification list.


specifies the number of columns to skip before beginning to display the next item in the specification list.

Both column-number and column-increment can be either a variable or a literal value.

Restriction: The pointer controls are designed for monospace output. They have no effect in the HTML, RTF, or Printer output.
Featured in: Using Aliases to Obtain Multiple Statistics for the Same Variable and Creating a Column for Each Value of a Variable

Differences between the LINE and PUT Statements

The LINE statement does not support the following features of the PUT statement:

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