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The OPTSAVE Procedure


PROC OPTSAVE <options >;

Task Option
Save SAS system option settings to a registry key KEY=
Save SAS system option settings to a SAS data set OUT=


KEY="SAS registry key"

specifies the location in the SAS registry of stored SAS system option settings. The registry is retained in SASUSER. If SASUSER is not available, then the temporary WORK library is used. For example, KEY="OPTIONS".

Restriction: "SAS registry key" names cannot span multiple lines.
Requirement: Separate the names in a sequence of key names with a backslash (\). Individual key names can contain any character except a backslash.
Requirement: The length of a key name cannot exceed 255 characters (including the backslashes).
Requirement: You must use quotation marks around the "SAS registry key" name.
Tip: To specify a subkey, enter multiple key names starting with the root key.
Caution: If the key already exists, it will be overwritten. If the specified key does not already exist in the current SAS registry, then the key is automatically created when option settings are saved in the SAS registry.

specifies the names of the library and data set where SAS system option settings are saved. The SAS variable OPTNAME contains the character value of the SAS system option name. The SAS variable OPTVALUE contains the character value of the SAS system option setting.

Caution: If the data set already exists, it will be overwritten.
Default: If you omit the OUT= and the KEY= options, the procedure will use the default SAS library and data set. The default SAS library is where the current user profile resides. Unless you specify a SAS library, the default library is SASUSER. If SASUSER is in use by another active SAS session, then the temporary WORK library is the default location where the data set is saved. The default data set name is MYOPTS.

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