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The REPORT Procedure

Example 15: Specifying Style Elements for ODS Output in the PROC REPORT Statement

Procedure features: STYLE= option in the PROC REPORT statement
Other features:

ODS HTML statement

ODS PDF statement

ODS RTF statement

Data set: GROCERY
Formats: $MGRFMT. and $DEPTFMT.

This example creates HTML, PDF, and RTF files and sets the style elements for each location in the report in the PROC REPORT statement.


 Note about code
libname proclib 'SAS-library';
 Note about code
options nodate pageno=1 fmtsearch=(proclib);
 Note about code
ods html body='external-HTML-file';
ods pdf file='external-PDF-file';
ods rtf file='external-RTF-file';
 Note about code
proc report data=grocery nowd headline headskip
 Note about code
style(report)=[cellspacing=5 borderwidth=10 bordercolor=blue]
 Note about code
               fontstyle=italic fontsize=6]
 Note about code
style(column)=[color=moderate brown 
               fontfamily=helvetica fontsize=4]
 Note about code
style(lines)=[color=white backgroundcolor=black
              fontstyle=italic fontweight=bold fontsize=5]
 Note about code
style(summary)=[color=cx3e3d73 backgroundcolor=cxaeadd9 
                fontfamily=helvetica fontsize=3 textalign=r];
 Note about code
   column manager department sales;
 Note about code
   define manager / order
   define department / order
 Note about code
   break after manager / summarize;
 Note about code
   compute after manager;
      line 'Subtotal for ' manager $mgrfmt. 'is ' 
            sales.sum dollar7.2 '.';
 Note about code
   compute after;
       line 'Total for all departments is: '
            sales.sum dollar7.2 '.';
 Note about code
   where sector='se';
 Note about code
   title 'Sales for the Southeast Sector';
 Note about code
ods html close;
ods pdf close;
ods rtf close;

HTML Output

                        Sales for the Southeast Sector                       1

                        Manager  Department      Sales
                        Jones    Paper              40
                                 Canned            220
                                 Meat/Dairy        300
                                 Produce            70
                        Jones                      630
                       Subtotal for Jones  is $630.00.                        
                        Smith    Paper              50
                                 Canned            120
                                 Meat/Dairy        100
                                 Produce            80
                        Smith                      350
                       Subtotal for Smith  is $350.00.                        
                    Total for all departments is: $980.00.                    

PDF Output

[PDF output]

RTF Output

[RTF output]

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