The CAKESTAT output data set contains only observations for the combination of the two class variables, Flavor and Layers. Therefore, the value of _TYPE_ is 11 for all observations. The observations are ordered by ascending frequency of Flavor. The missing value in Layers is a valid value for this class variable. PROC MEANS excludes the observation with the missing flavor because it is an invalid value for Flavor.

                 Maximum Taste Score for Flavor and Cake Layers                1

            Obs    Flavor       Layers    _TYPE_    _FREQ_    Score

             1     Rum             2        11         1        72 
             2     Spice           2        11         2        83 
             3     Spice           3        11         1        91 
             4     Vanilla         .        11         1        84 
             5     Vanilla         1        11         3        94 
             6     Vanilla         2        11         2        87 
             7     Chocolate       .        11         1        84 
             8     Chocolate       1        11         5        85 
             9     Chocolate       2        11         3        92