Create the CHARITY data set. CHARITY contains information about high-school students' volunteer work for a charity. The variables give the name of the high school, the year of the fund-raiser, the first name of each student, the amount of money each student raised, and the number of hours each student volunteered. A DATA step creates this data set.

data charity;
   input School $ 1-7 Year 9-12 Name $ 14-20 MoneyRaised 22-26 
         HoursVolunteered 28-29;
Monroe  1992 Allison 31.65 19
Monroe  1992 Barry   23.76 16
Monroe  1992 Candace 21.11  5

     . . . more data lines . . .

Kennedy 1994 Sid     27.45 25
Kennedy 1994 Will    28.88 21
Kennedy 1994 Morty   34.44 25