The one-way combination of class variables appears before the two-way combination. PROC MEANS reports only the level values that are listed in the preloaded range of user-defined formats even when the frequency of observations is zero (in this case, citrus). PROC MEANS rejects entire observations based on the exclusion of any single class value in a given observation. Therefore, when the number of layers is unknown, statistics are calculated for only one observation. The other observation is excluded because the flavor chocolate was not included in the preloaded user-defined format for Flavor.

The order of the levels is based on the order of the user-defined formats. PROC FORMAT automatically sorted the Layers format and did not sort the Flavor format.

               Taste Score For Number of Layers and Cake Flavors               1

                              The MEANS Procedure

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
         Layers           N       Mean    Std Dev    Minimum    Maximum
         unknown          1     84.000          .     84.000     84.000

         single layer     3     83.000      9.849     75.000     94.000

         multi-layer      6     81.167      7.548     72.000     91.000

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
         Flavor           N       Mean    Std Dev    Minimum    Maximum
         Vanilla          6     82.167      7.834     73.000     94.000

         Citrus           0          .          .          .          .

         Spice            3     85.000      5.292     81.000     91.000

         Other Flavor     1     72.000          .     72.000     72.000

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
 Flavor          Layers           N       Mean    Std Dev    Minimum    Maximum
 Vanilla         unknown          1     84.000          .     84.000     84.000

                 single layer     3     83.000      9.849     75.000     94.000

                 multi-layer      2     80.000      9.899     73.000     87.000

 Citrus          unknown          0          .          .          .          .

                 single layer     0          .          .          .          .

                 multi-layer      0          .          .          .          .

 Spice           unknown          0          .          .          .          .

                 single layer     0          .          .          .          .

                 multi-layer      3     85.000      5.292     81.000     91.000

 Other Flavor    unknown          0          .          .          .          .

                 single layer     0          .          .          .          .

                 multi-layer      1     72.000          .     72.000     72.000